Judging from how you have reached out to us for core products and supplies the past few weeks, we know you are busier than ever. Busy taking care of your employees, busy changing processes to accommodate new demands for quality and safety, and busy running your presses and supplying packaging that is needed to get us through this time.
Please know:
- Our team is operating at full capacity with all of our technical sales specialists and customer service team.
- Our warehouses are fully operational throughout North American and The Netherlands
- We are adding inventory in anticipation for sustained high demand
- We can connect you to other converters in your region that may be able to help with needed services or outsourcing
- Our faster material delivery with no MOQs will help offset increased lead times on vital materials from manufacturers
In this moment, the recognition of the value of flexible packaging has never been greater. Whether it’s the performance, the protection, the communication capacity, or the efficiency, it is evident that coming out of this moment in time we will expand the use and capabilities of flexible packaging. We are also seeing brands turning to the short-run and customization benefits of digital printing to speed up the delivery of vital nutraceutical and specialty food products.
In addition to the production activity, the response to this crisis by so many of our customers and partners has been inspiring, and makes us proud to be part of the community. From companies like PCT Ebeam and Integration offering up their pilot line to converters who need finishing capacity to Michelman sharing new best practices in the sanitizing of equipment to protect production workers, so many companies have stepped up.
At S-OneLP, we have ensured our team is safe so they are there for you; equipped with vital technology to respond to your information and service needs. We have added inventory and implemented customized supply chain processes to make sure we are quick in our responses, helping you service your customers during this critical time.
While our hearts are reaching out to all of the people who are negatively affected by this pandemic, our team is here to help you not just navigate the rough waters, but to come out the other end stronger. While we are here to connect you with the integrated solutions you need, we also would be glad to help. So, please feel free to reach out to us.
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